Journal of Cosmology
Selections from Vol. 26 Journal of Cosmology
3.1 How does the mass of a proton arise in HGD cosmology?
Figure JC2016.26.3.5 Shows that turbulence based on inertial-vortex forces works universally everywhere. Flight MH370 was a victim of Catastrophic Equatorial Icing at the site shown by the red star in the figure. No mechanism can explain a crash in the South Indian ocean where the search has concentrated based on false conspiracy theories involving "Rogue Pilots". A billion dollar two year search near Australia to find the plane and its occupants has failed, and should not be abandoned but relocated north to the South China sea. There the search has as strong chance of success in a few weeks. given the confirmed Pemba island MH370 debris location and Reunion Island discovery (black star) of a MH370 flaperon only 115 days after the March 8, 2014, tragedy. The rapid MH370 debris transit is explained by southerly winter monsoon winds in March and the usual strong trade wind drift speeds of MH370 debris emerging from the Sunda Strait between Sumatra and Indonesia. MH370 debris drift from the "Rogue Pilot" location to either Pemba or Reunion Islands is virtually impossible. Therefore the "Rogue Pilot" hypothesis should be rejected and the likely cause of the tragedy should be identified as Catastrophic Equatorial Icing CEI. The search for the plane should be immediately shifted to the South China Sea (red star) location. Because of global warming, the range of risky latitudes for CEI has apparently increased by a factor of two or three since AF447 crashed in the Atlantic at 3 deg N, pp 13957-13958. The CEI range of risky latitudes has been extended by the Myanmar June 8, 2017, crash, to ~10 N latitude. A military plane on routine shcdule crashed in clear weather killing > 100 northwest of the MH 370 location off the Myanmar (Burma) coast, see Figure JC2017.26.10.2 below.
Figure JC2017.26.10.2
MH370 debris continues to be discovered on beaches from Pemba to Reunion Island, proving that the plane went down at the South China Sea location shown by the red star in the figure. It is quite impossible for this drift to happen in only 115 days starting from the failed "Rogue Pilot" search location near Perth, Australia. Part numbers confirm that a third piece of debris found on Mauritius (green star), near Reunion Island, is from MH370. Please contact the responsible Australian authority Honorable Darren Chester MP if you agree that the evidence suggests MH 370 is probably an example of Catastrophic Equatorial Icing rather than some "Rogue Pilot" conspiracy, and that the search area should therefore be immediately shifted to the South China Sea (red star) location. Letter sent to Honorable Darren Chester MP October 13, 2016, pp 13959-13961.
Figure JC2016. Plane crashes near Medallin, Colombia, Nov. 29, 2016, killing most of a Brazil Soccer team on board. Blame was first assigned to an electrical circuit fault, although some of the 77 passengers and the Captain thought the plane had simultaneously both run out of fuel (very unlikely since all planes have ample emergency reserves) and lost circuitry (also unlikely to ever happen, and certainly not simultaneously). A CEI event crashes a plane in only four minutes, so autopilot warnings from iced-over pitot tubes, and rapid altitude loss from an iced-over plane and control surfaces, could easily suggest false fuel and circuit problems. Survivor reports (4 possible) and the flight recorders are needed to determine the most probable cause of the tragedy, which the Captain clearly knew was coming from his desperate sounding last voice message (he and all the crew were killed). The black boxes were recovered intact soon after the heavy rains, typical of CEI events, permitted access. Were the fuel tanks really empty? The latitude of the tragic crash ~ 7 N matches that of the MH370 catastrophic equatorial icing event (now proved in Figure JC2016.26.3.5 but still blamed on "rogue pilots"), suggesting that CEI played a role in bringing the plane down, and more likely was the only cause. See New York Times Nov. 30, 2016 article, pp 13962-13963. If the pilot were really running out of gas and was not crazy or "rogue" he would have stopped in Bogota to fill up, since it is precisely on the flight path to Medallin and has many airports.
Figure JC2016.
Figure JC2016. Shows the Papahanaumocuacia (Northwest Hawaiian Islands) Marine National Monument, recently extended to the 200 mile limit by President Obama. This gives an area greater than twice the size of Texas (>1,500,000 km^2) for which the United States is responsible. This huge region of the ocean (blue rectangle) could be used as a national laboratory for the scientific study of all aspects of oceanography. Possibly some of the costs for the studies can be recovered from solar energy and plastic waste collection. Large amounts of plastic waste have accumulated in the great "garbage patch" from Pacific Rim countries, and must be dealt with and monitored in any case, pp 13964-13965.
Figure JC2016.
In "THE QUANTITATIVE DISTRIBUTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF NEUSTON PLASTIC IN THE NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, 1985-88", Day et al 1989 (student of Prof. Lynne Talley of SIO) report plankton net 1/2 mm particles easily mistaken for marine food. Intermittent massive clumps of floating plastic ropes are seen (eyewitness personal communication, Prof. John Hildebrand at SIO). The Papahanaumocuapia Marine National Monument should immediately begin the task of collecting and recycling this biologically hazardous trash as part of a scientific monitoring program. The recycled value of the plastic is in the range billions of dollars per year. The wasted solar energy in such a large area is worth trillions of dollars a year! What are the costs of ignorance of turbulence and its consequences such as Catastrophic Equatorial Icing and fossil turbulence mixing? The string of Hawaiian islands represents fossil turbulent mixing from BZTMA beamed zombie turbulence maser action mixing chimneys created when Earth and another dark matter planet last merged and remelted, reducing the viscosity of the molten central rocky layers until they became sufficiently turbulent for many BZTMA mixing chimneys to propagate from a turbulent liquid outer core of an ancient earth and melt through the solid mantle and plastic (aesthenosphere), forming a string of volcanoes and islands in the lithosphere as it slides to the north-west over the fossil turbulence "hot spot". The kinematic viscosity of the present aesthenosphere is ~ 10^24 m^2 s^-1 from glacial rebound rates (personal communication Professor Robert Parker at SIO). This is ~ 1% of the photon-electron kinematic viscosity of the plasma when protogalaxies fragmented at 10^12 seconds, pp 13966-13967.
Figure JC2016.
Figure JC2016. The crust and lithosphere move in the direction of the red arrow, carrying islands of the archipelago with them created by the hot spot on the right. Once a channel has been created, subsequent magma flows will likely only follow the radial fossil turbulence channels of BZTMA turbulence mixing chimneys produced by planet melting during the most recent dark matter planet merger when the liquid planet core was turbulent. The process is similar to that of lightning bolts in the atmosphere, which repeatedly trace the path of the first flash through the air, following the paths of plasma created by the initial bolts. Sound waves from explosive charges shown by circular arcs in the figure are used by oceanographers to study such structures deep in the Earth from slight changes in sound speeds received by hydrophones. From the length of the Hawaiian Archipelago it seems that the time of the last dark matter planet merger was at least a billion years ago, pp14000-14001.
10. Cosmological evidence that the turbulence problem is solved, Carl H. Gibson, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla CA, 92093-0411. Turbulent Mixing and Beyond Sixth International conference Tenth Anniversary Program, Non-Equilibrium Transport Across the Scales, 14-18 August 2017, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy. pp 14780-14788.
Poster submitted for Turbulent Mixing and Beyond Tenth Anniversary Program. pp 14789-14799.
Figure JC2017.26.10.1 Evidence from the cosmic microwave background radiation collected by WMAP that the standard CDMHC model is wrong to neglect collisional fluid mechanics and turbulence. Sreenivasan and Bershadski reveal strong evidence of two classes of turbulence. The first is big bang turbulent combustion of Planck particles with large Reynolds number (R_Lambda ~ 1000) and a triple bump signature, and the second is due to turbulence formed by proto-galaxy fluid at the boundary layers of expanding supervoids during the plasma epoch. The second turbulence has a smaller Reynolds number (R_Lambda ~ 40) and the same triple bump signature. The "sonic peak" at ell=200 (~10^24 m) has nothing to do with Baryonic Sonic Oscillations, but is the signature of proto-galaxy fluid turbulence along fossil big bang turbulence vortex lines. The big bang supervoids are much larger (>3x10^25 m) and more difficult to sample.
Figure JC2017.26.10.1
Figure JC2017.26.10.2 Catastrophic Equatorial Icing provides further evidence that the turbulence problem has been solved. A Myanmar military aircraft has mysteriously crashed on a routine flight on June 8, 2017, killing more than a hundred passengers. The location is nearby the Catastrophic Equatorial Icing event that downed the larger MH370 plane March 8, 2014, as shown by the two red stars. Debris and bodies promptly appeared on the Myanmar coast for the military plane, shown in the insert. Some debris from MH370 has been recovered on Reunion island and near Mozambique as expected from oceanographic currents, but most of the bodies are likely still in the planes on the sea bottom near the red star locations. Beamed zombie turbulence maser action mixing chimneys of super cooled steam arise near the equator where the Coriolis force vanishes and the turbulence indeterminacy is maximum, create an intermittent fatal icing danger to aircraft that pass through such chimneys. The risks of such rare CEI events appear to be increasing due to global warming. Monsoon winds explain the southwesterly debris drift in both cases.
Figure JC2017.26.10.2